How to Increase PostPe Credit Limit? (5 Expert Tips)

Did you know that you can increase your PostPe credit limit yourself? I’m not talking in vain, you can really increase your PostPe limit. In this article, I will tell you how to increase PostPe credit limit.

PostPe is a BNPL option that offers up to ₹10 lakhs of credit limit. It comes with a virtual credit card that lets you make various online transactions. You can also make QR payments with PostPe.

But PostPe gives a very low credit limit to new users, although it also depends on your credit score. Still, if you are given a credit limit less than your requirement, then it is obvious that you will use it sparingly.

If you are not happy with your current PostPe limit, then stay tuned to this article. Here I have shared some effective and 100% working tips that you can follow to increase your PostPe credit limit.

So, without further ado, let’s dive into this article and learn how to increase PostPe credit limit.

How to Increase PostPe Credit Limit

Let me first tell you how much credit limit PostPe gave me when I activated my PostPe account and how I increased my credit limit.

Initially, PostPe gave me a credit limit of ₹1000 but I was not satisfied with this limit. I needed more limit near about ₹50,000, so I followed some tricks to increase my PostPe credit limit.

And most interestingly, those tricks worked. After paying the due on the next month, PostPe gave me the option to increase my credit limit of up to ₹30,000. PostPe increased my credit limit within a month.

Here I have shared the tricks that I followed to increase my PostPe credit limit.

Pay Your Credit Card Bills

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The most effective trick for increasing your PostPe credit limit is making credit card bill payments with PostPe. Recently the Bill Payments feature has come on the PosPe app, earlier it was not there.

Now you can pay all your bills like electricity bills, credit card bills, and water bills from the PostPe app. But I’m not talking about these bill payments, here I’m talking about credit card bill payments.

Making credit card bill payments on the PostPe app will not only help you earn cashback, but it will also help you increase your PostPe credit limit. Before my credit limit was increased, I myself had paid my credit card bills through PostPe.

Moreover, some users tell me that PostPe has increased their credit limit after making a single credit card bill payment through PostPe. So, you should try it because it is really a working trick.

Scan and Pay With PostPe

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Another effective and easy trick is making QR payments through your PostPe credit balance. There is a Scan and Pay feature on the PostPe app that you can use to make payments by scanning a merchant QR.

For your information, let me tell you that you can make monthly QR payments of up to ₹5000 without any charge, but if you want to make more payments than this, you will have to pay convenience fees.

The more QR payments you make, the more chances you get to increase your credit limit. But you can’t make payment by scanning any QR code, you can make payment only by scanning a BharatPe merchant QR code.

No matter whether you are paying ₹10 or ₹100, you just need to make QR payments to increase your PostPe credit limit. If you wish, you can also create your own BharatPe merchant account for making QR payments.

Making payments to your own BharatPe QR code will not only help you increase your credit limit, but it will also help you transfer your PostPe credit balance to a bank account.

We have written a detailed article about the ways to transfer money from PostPe to a bank account. If you wish, you can read the article.

Make More Transactions

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The best trick to increase your PostPe credit limit is making more transactions with PostPe. By the way, if you have activated your PostPe account, then it is obvious that you’ll use it for making transactions.

But as I have seen, many users do not use it properly. Suppose, your current credit limit is ₹2000, then don’t use the 100% limit for one transaction only. You can do 4 transactions of ₹500 in a month or 8 transactions of ₹250 with this credit limit.

But it doesn’t mean that you can’t use the 100% limit for one transaction only, you can definitely do that. But I don’t think it is good behaviour of a borrower. I hope you understand what I’m trying to say.

The more transactions you do, the more chances of increasing your credit limit. No matter whether you’re doing online transactions or QR payments, you just need to use your limit for various transactions.

After talking about these three tricks, I feel that you have learned how to increase PostPe credit limit. However, there are some more tricks too, let us know them also.

Make Repayments Timely

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Another effective trick for increasing your PostPe credit limit is making repayments timely. If you don’t pay your PostPe bills on time, then it is obvious that PostPe will not increase your credit limit.

Not only this, it will charge late payment fees and can also block your PostPe account if you don’t pay your dues on time. So I recommend you pay your PostPe bills always within the due date.

Making repayments timely will not only help you increase your PostPe credit limit, but it will also help you improve your credit score. But if you make late repayments, it will hurt your credit score.

Many users say that they make only one or two transactions every month with PostPe, but they pay their bills always on time hence they feel that their credit limit has increased.

I will say no matter whether this trick will help you increase your PostPe limit or not but you’ll definitely have to follow it. If your credit limit needs to be increased then it will definitely happen.

Refer PostPe to Your Friends

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PostPe has a Refer and Earn program that can help you increase your credit limit, but how? Refer the PostPe app to three people and if their credit limit gets approved, PostPe will increase your credit limit.

Not only this you can also earn up to 5% cashback when your referrals get a credit limit on PostPe. But your credit limit will not increase much by referring. I tried this but my credit limit has been increased from ₹1000 to ₹1500.

So I think you can’t increase your credit limit much by referring the PostPe app to your friends. Anyway, if your credit limit does not increase even after following all the methods, then you can try this trick.

So I have explained all the tricks here that I followed to increase my PostPe limit. Now I think you have learned how to increase PostPe credit limit.

Bottom Line: How to Increase PostPe Credit Limit?

In summary, I would say that increasing your PostPe credit limit is an easy and interesting task if you have read this entire article. Here I have explained how to increase PostPe credit limit.

To increase your PostPe limit – make credit card bill payments on PostPe, scan and pay with PostPe, pay your PostPe bills on time, make various transactions with the limit, or refer the PostPe app to others.

But, if your PostPe credit limit is not increasing even after following these tricks, then contact PostPe customer support. Ask them why your PostPe credit limit is very low and how to increase it.

I hope you have learned how to increase PostPe credit limit. If this article is helpful, share this article and leave a comment below.

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